A Statement of Support for Racial Equity

Timothy P. Leddy, President & CEO of the Westchester Visiting Nurse Services Group, has issued a Statement of Support on behalf of the Agency, in light of recent events impacting the Black community in the U.S. and around the world. See the full statement below.
Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester and Westchester Care at Home are saddened by the tragic loss of life and the unrest that has ensued due to the most recent examples of racial inequity and injustice across our country.
We stand in solidarity with those who condemn racism in all of its forms as it impacts the Black community throughout the U.S. and the world.
As home health care providers, our mission is to promote the health and well-being of the communities we serve, without regard to race, color, religion, or any factor that would prevent fair and equitable treatment of all.
We hold that a healthy society cannot exist in the face of systemic and structural racism which prevents individuals from commanding the dignity, respect and the equality of rights they seek and deserve.
By joining together in deploring acts of racism and injustice, and in supporting efforts that address these inequities, we hope to accelerate meaningful and enduring changes to our society.
As an Agency, we are blessed that we have a diverse staff that represents the communities we serve. We continue to prioritize racial equity within our agency and among members of the communities we serve.
Timothy P. Leddy
Westchester Visiting Nurse Services Group